Tuesday, March 5, 2013

iPhone Screen Broke? How to fix iPhone's Broken Screen

               Photo By urbaning
Broken iPhone Screen?

My broken iPhone Screen

What you see in front of you is my iPhone's broken screen. Luckily its not as bad as the first time.
Yeah, this is my second time. 
My first time was two days after I bought my new iPhone 4S. My first reaction was dramatic, but now, I just have nothing to say...

If you're reading this you're probably experiencing a broken iPhone or NOT. so if your iPhone's still new and fresh BUY A New COVER and a SCREEN PROTECTOR!

My broken iPhone Screen

You're probably wondering why I didn't do this
myself the first time...but I did.
and just as I removed the cover and planned to buy a new one a couple of days later, my phone fell on the bathroom floor and broke again.

So, all you iPhone owners out there buy a screen protector and a nice colourful cover, its worth it instead of paying some extra money to repair your iPhone.

If you're here because you've broken your iPhone then you have two options:

is call Apple and ask how much it'll cost your screen to get repaired. This will depend on wether your phone is an iPhone 4, 4S or 5. It will also depend on your country.
I fixed my iPhone 4S for an equivalent of around $200. 
I've also searched the internet and found someone who said apple asked for $229 to fix their iPhone 5 screen.

is buy a screen and repair it for yourself. 
Here's a Video by CNET that explains how to repair your screen on your own.
                                                                                                            Video by CNET TV
even though this option is less costly, it may be a bit risky to open up your iPhone on your own.

is if you think you can use an iPhone with a slightly broken screen then live with it. 
But if it is really severe you should repair it using any of the suggested ways.

Slightly broken iPhone
Can live with

Severely broken iPhone
Can't Live With
                Photo By urbaning

Other helpful articles on how to fix your broken iPhone:




I hope this article helps 
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Thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. If you're here because you've broken your iPhone then you have two options.laptop repair nottingham
