Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Should I Jailbreak My iPhone?

Should I jailbreak my iPhone? mmm....

                                         Steve Jobs                                 Photo By charliecurve                                           
A controversial matter that is often discussed between friends with iPhones is whether they should jailbreak their phones or not.
Well, apple doesn't really like the idea and was always against it claiming that jailbreaking your iPhone may cause security vulnerabilities, instability, shortened battery life and other issues.
Before starting i'd like to point out that I myself have a jailbroken iPhone 4S. But let us examine the good and bad things about jailbreaking.
First question you might be asking yourself is will jailbreaking really lead to springboard crashes and instabilities?
Well, not really, its not like your phone will crash each time you use it but still, it happens if its full of unauthorised stuff. BUT...

SpringBoard Crashed

Let us be honest; why do people jailbreak their iPhones in the first place? 
- You could get App Store Apps for free ($)
- You get the infamous Cydia App
- You get new tweaks you couldn't get without jailbreaking
- You get the Installous App
- You could turn your phone into anything you want using the infinite unauthorised apps

There are still also some drawbacks to jailbreaking like having to wait sometime after each new apple update to avoid losing your jailbroken apps. You may also experience software instabilities or any of apple's warnings and be forced to reinstall a new jailbroken software which may cause you to lose data.

So..Wouldn't it be a great feeling to rightfully own all your iPhone music, games and apps without needing to jailbreak your phone each time a new software update comes up?
Some apps are worth a $1 some are worth $10 but generally they won't cost you much and you won't be going through waiting for new jailbreaks to come up after software updates are launched. You won't need to wait for a jailbreak to come up to avoid losing your precious Apps (which you haven't paid for).

Apple.com this week

Renting ARGO is for $4.99 and
owning it is for $14.99 which is a movie (more expensive than an iPhone app), the point is going clean gives you a feeling of genuinity.

Jailbreaking or not jailbreaking your iPhone will both give you benefits of different kinds. It is your choice to choose between sacrificing time waiting for each new jailbreak to come out with each apple update or to simply pay some money to rightfully own the content forever.

OR  ?

So should you jailbreak your iPhone?

What do you think?

I hope this post helps you decide

Don't forget to visit our iPhone Help & Advice blog and to comment below

Thanks again :)


  1. the phones retail for $600 but are made for far cheaper and by young kids or workers who are getting paid 20 to 50 cents a day. So I think jailbreaking and getting a few free perks is not a bad thing considering all of the CEO's and top people are billionaires anyway. why doesn't anyone talk about those issues or problems?

    1. very true, you should balance the pros and cons...

  2. thanks for this article, Does jailbreaking really shorten battery life? are there any solutions (tweaks) for it if that is the case?

    1. it might put some extra load on the device since some apps are tweaks that aren't fully supported by apple, however these extra tweaks are sometimes helpful and tackle the limitations of the OS software
