Tuesday, March 5, 2013

iPhone Water Damage: How to fix your iPhone from Water Damage?

Fix your iPhone from Water damage

Photo By Repair_Labs

You can't imagine how likely it is to accidentally drop your iPhone into a swimming pool, a shower, a toilet or even an ocean!

If you haven't dropped your iPhone in water yet, buy a water proof cover and look out cause its pretty likely you will.
If you have dropped it, then I have to tell you you're lucky it didn't fall inside milk or any other sticky liquid.

I myself have experienced the iPhone in toilet, After quickly sticking my hand in the toilet and taking it out, I found out my iPhone speakers were not working and the screen was doing strange things + taking false orders.

Anyway, don't worry, you're iPhone will be fine..
You also won't need to spend any money to fix it :)

First, you have to understand that there are two different levels of water damage.

Damage 1:
Photo By Storm Crypt  

-You find yourself with a slightly wet phone that has only gone snorkelling over the sea surface.

-You were really fast at jumping into the pool or at sticking your hand into the toilet to save your lovely friend then the damage probably didn't reach out for any hardware inside the phone (Board, Speakers, etc.).

Damage 2:
Photo By Ilse Reijs and Jan-Noud Hutten
- You end up with an extremely damaged phone that went diving deep into the blue waters.

- The phone spent a couple of seconds inside the water.

-You probably couldn't save it in time :(

If your phone is at Level 1 or at the first bit of Level 2 (meaning it didn't spend some time under water) then follow the steps bellow, if it is beyond Level 2 then you'll need to spend some money to repair it and change the damaged pieces at any apple store.

How to fix your iPhone

Step 1:

Step 2:

Photo By bagaball's

Turn it off Immediately.

After taking your iPhone out of the water dry it as quickly as possible with a dry towel.

         Step 3: 

Photo By arvidr

     (Optional) Use your hairdryer for extra drying.

         Step 4: 

                    Photo By papayatreelimited
Get a bowl of UNCooked Rice and put your iPhone inside it for two-three days.

You'll be amazed by the results!
My phone was a mess at first and after trying this out everything was fine :)

Photo By Me  :)

I hope everything goes well with your phone,
Please check my other posts or visit my Blog for more help and advice on your iPhone.


also update me on how it went with your phone,

Thanks :)

Other helpful blogs on this issue:



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