Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All time Top 10 iPhone Game Apps Must Own! + App store links and Reviews

Best Game Apps?
Photo By -Jeffrey-

App store has millions of apps that serve any purpose you can think of. But in this article I'll focus on Games. I'll give you a glimpse on the coolest game Apps in the App Store which you should Definitely Own!

Subway Surfers

Subway Surfers
This game has surprisingly spread over all phone tablets including the iPhone. I've seen several friends playing the game on all kinds of phones + its great if you like challenging other friends' highscores.
Get the game on your phone and run as fast as you can from the cop and his dog. See how far you can reach and check where you stand among your friends ;)

Tiny Wings

Tiny Wings

Another One of the greatest games. See how far you can get with your birdy.
Increase your multiplier and compete with your friends.

Temple Run

Temple Run
One of the all time greatest iPhone games. Pretty similar to Subway Surfers but in its own way. Temple Run was probably the most popular game at some time. So if you haven't tried this one yet then you have to.
Run from the gorilla as you go through the old temple ruins.
Also check where you stand among your friends.

Field Runners

Field Runners

Yet another one of the greatest iPhone strategy games, and guess what? I have it on my Macbook cause I think it's great.

Field Runners

In Field Runners your objective is to prevent the ant forces from passing to the other side. You have to build your defences in the best way possible and open the longest route so they can die before they reach the other side. You have 20 lives, See your score after they run out :)

Fruit Ninja

Fruit Ninja

Fruit Ninja! My young cousin's favourite. A great game, specially when it comes to multiplayer. Its fun and easy.
See how many fruits you can get, not to mention the fruit combos! But stay aware, you may diffuse a bomb and lose the game.

Flick Golf

Flick Golf
Aaaa, Flick golf, Definitely the best iPhone golf game out there!
For all you golf lovers flick golf is a must have.
Its easy & fun + great golf courses ;)

Flick Golf!/id400882072?mt=8

Flight Control

Flight Control
Flight Control is one of my favourite games. You're some kind of airport manager and you lead the planes to landing but take care, try to adjust the timing of each landing to avoid the planes from crashing!
Also great leader boards and different maps including hawaii ;)

Tap Tap Revenge- Coldplay

TapTap Coldplay

If you like Coldplay then you have to own this one!
You probably know TapTap, but featuring Coldplay is great :)
There is also a Metallica version for rock lovers!

Track list is as follows: 
Lovers in Japan (Osaka Sun Mix)

In My Place

Fix You

Life in Technicolor ii




Speed of Sound

Viva la Vida
Viva la Vida (Thin White Duke Remix)
The Scientist
Violet Hill 

Cut the Rope

Cut the Rope
Cut the Rope is one of the greatest thinking games! and its addictive
Must try and I bet you'll own it.

Extreme Road Trip 2

Yet another addictive game. Run with your car and show off your tricks and stunts!
Extreme Road Trip is hard at first but when you're used to it, you'll love it !

I hope you find this post useful and try out all these games,

Don't forget to visit our iPhone Blog Here for more advice and help.

You Should also check our Health and Fitness Blog Here :)

Don't forget to leave your comment :)

Related Posts:

Should I jailbreak my iPhone? mmm....

iPhone Screen Broke? How to fix iPhone's Broken Screen

iPhone Water Damage: How to fix your iPhone from Water Damage?

Healthy Dieting: Speed up your Metabolism and Lose Weight?

Thanks :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Should I Jailbreak My iPhone?

Should I jailbreak my iPhone? mmm....

                                         Steve Jobs                                 Photo By charliecurve                                           
A controversial matter that is often discussed between friends with iPhones is whether they should jailbreak their phones or not.
Well, apple doesn't really like the idea and was always against it claiming that jailbreaking your iPhone may cause security vulnerabilities, instability, shortened battery life and other issues.
Before starting i'd like to point out that I myself have a jailbroken iPhone 4S. But let us examine the good and bad things about jailbreaking.
First question you might be asking yourself is will jailbreaking really lead to springboard crashes and instabilities?
Well, not really, its not like your phone will crash each time you use it but still, it happens if its full of unauthorised stuff. BUT...

SpringBoard Crashed

Let us be honest; why do people jailbreak their iPhones in the first place? 
- You could get App Store Apps for free ($)
- You get the infamous Cydia App
- You get new tweaks you couldn't get without jailbreaking
- You get the Installous App
- You could turn your phone into anything you want using the infinite unauthorised apps

There are still also some drawbacks to jailbreaking like having to wait sometime after each new apple update to avoid losing your jailbroken apps. You may also experience software instabilities or any of apple's warnings and be forced to reinstall a new jailbroken software which may cause you to lose data.

So..Wouldn't it be a great feeling to rightfully own all your iPhone music, games and apps without needing to jailbreak your phone each time a new software update comes up?
Some apps are worth a $1 some are worth $10 but generally they won't cost you much and you won't be going through waiting for new jailbreaks to come up after software updates are launched. You won't need to wait for a jailbreak to come up to avoid losing your precious Apps (which you haven't paid for). this week

Renting ARGO is for $4.99 and
owning it is for $14.99 which is a movie (more expensive than an iPhone app), the point is going clean gives you a feeling of genuinity.

Jailbreaking or not jailbreaking your iPhone will both give you benefits of different kinds. It is your choice to choose between sacrificing time waiting for each new jailbreak to come out with each apple update or to simply pay some money to rightfully own the content forever.

OR  ?

So should you jailbreak your iPhone?

What do you think?

I hope this post helps you decide

Don't forget to visit our iPhone Help & Advice blog and to comment below

Thanks again :)

iPhone Screen Broke? How to fix iPhone's Broken Screen

               Photo By urbaning
Broken iPhone Screen?

My broken iPhone Screen

What you see in front of you is my iPhone's broken screen. Luckily its not as bad as the first time.
Yeah, this is my second time. 
My first time was two days after I bought my new iPhone 4S. My first reaction was dramatic, but now, I just have nothing to say...

If you're reading this you're probably experiencing a broken iPhone or NOT. so if your iPhone's still new and fresh BUY A New COVER and a SCREEN PROTECTOR!

My broken iPhone Screen

You're probably wondering why I didn't do this
myself the first time...but I did.
and just as I removed the cover and planned to buy a new one a couple of days later, my phone fell on the bathroom floor and broke again.

So, all you iPhone owners out there buy a screen protector and a nice colourful cover, its worth it instead of paying some extra money to repair your iPhone.

If you're here because you've broken your iPhone then you have two options:

is call Apple and ask how much it'll cost your screen to get repaired. This will depend on wether your phone is an iPhone 4, 4S or 5. It will also depend on your country.
I fixed my iPhone 4S for an equivalent of around $200. 
I've also searched the internet and found someone who said apple asked for $229 to fix their iPhone 5 screen.

is buy a screen and repair it for yourself. 
Here's a Video by CNET that explains how to repair your screen on your own.
                                                                                                            Video by CNET TV
even though this option is less costly, it may be a bit risky to open up your iPhone on your own.

is if you think you can use an iPhone with a slightly broken screen then live with it. 
But if it is really severe you should repair it using any of the suggested ways.

Slightly broken iPhone
Can live with

Severely broken iPhone
Can't Live With
                Photo By urbaning

Other helpful articles on how to fix your broken iPhone:

I hope this article helps 
Please leave me a review if this article was useful

Thanks :)

iPhone Water Damage: How to fix your iPhone from Water Damage?

Fix your iPhone from Water damage

Photo By Repair_Labs

You can't imagine how likely it is to accidentally drop your iPhone into a swimming pool, a shower, a toilet or even an ocean!

If you haven't dropped your iPhone in water yet, buy a water proof cover and look out cause its pretty likely you will.
If you have dropped it, then I have to tell you you're lucky it didn't fall inside milk or any other sticky liquid.

I myself have experienced the iPhone in toilet, After quickly sticking my hand in the toilet and taking it out, I found out my iPhone speakers were not working and the screen was doing strange things + taking false orders.

Anyway, don't worry, you're iPhone will be fine..
You also won't need to spend any money to fix it :)

First, you have to understand that there are two different levels of water damage.

Damage 1:
Photo By Storm Crypt  

-You find yourself with a slightly wet phone that has only gone snorkelling over the sea surface.

-You were really fast at jumping into the pool or at sticking your hand into the toilet to save your lovely friend then the damage probably didn't reach out for any hardware inside the phone (Board, Speakers, etc.).

Damage 2:
Photo By Ilse Reijs and Jan-Noud Hutten
- You end up with an extremely damaged phone that went diving deep into the blue waters.

- The phone spent a couple of seconds inside the water.

-You probably couldn't save it in time :(

If your phone is at Level 1 or at the first bit of Level 2 (meaning it didn't spend some time under water) then follow the steps bellow, if it is beyond Level 2 then you'll need to spend some money to repair it and change the damaged pieces at any apple store.

How to fix your iPhone

Step 1:

Step 2:

Photo By bagaball's

Turn it off Immediately.

After taking your iPhone out of the water dry it as quickly as possible with a dry towel.

         Step 3: 

Photo By arvidr

     (Optional) Use your hairdryer for extra drying.

         Step 4: 

                    Photo By papayatreelimited
Get a bowl of UNCooked Rice and put your iPhone inside it for two-three days.

You'll be amazed by the results!
My phone was a mess at first and after trying this out everything was fine :)

Photo By Me  :)

I hope everything goes well with your phone,
Please check my other posts or visit my Blog for more help and advice on your iPhone.

also update me on how it went with your phone,

Thanks :)

Other helpful blogs on this issue: